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Did Rashida Tlaib Lead an INSURRECTION on Capitol Grounds?

Left-wing politicians like Rashida Tlaib are being blamed for inciting an "insurrection" on Capitol Hill, but Glenn Beck doubts any consequences will occur.

On January 6, there was a significant event that has captured the attention of politicians on the left. However, it seems that a new January 6 has emerged, one that involves a mob of protestors storming a building on Capitol Hill and disrupting official proceedings. What makes this situation even more intriguing is the involvement of left-wing politicians like Rashida Tlaib, who seemingly encouraged the protestors.

Glenn Beck, a prominent figure in the political landscape, doubts that any action will be taken against Tlaib and others involved in this incident. He believes that because it does not involve Donald Trump, the consequences will be minimal. This raises questions about the fairness and consistency of the political system.

Before the events unfolded, Tlaib was caught on video spreading falsehoods about a hospital bombing in Gaza. She appeared to be emotional, shedding tears as she made claims about bombing a hospital with children inside. Furthermore, she directed a message towards President Biden, suggesting that not all Americans support his actions. This kind of rhetoric is concerning and raises questions about the responsibility of politicians in shaping public opinion.

Following Tlaib's impassioned speech, an "angry extremist crowd," as described by Glenn Beck, made their way to the Capitol building. Their intention was to disrupt the proceedings taking place inside. Glenn's reaction to this was one of shock, as he declared that it was indeed an insurrection. However, he acknowledges that there may be those who argue that the events of January 6 involving Donald Trump were also an insurrection. Glenn counters this by stating that there is no concrete evidence to support the claim that Trump knowingly lied about the election.

Interestingly, leaked audio provides a different perspective on the hospital bombing in Gaza. Hamas operatives can be heard discussing the missile responsible for the attack, revealing that it actually belonged to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. This information contradicts Tlaib's narrative, raising doubts about the accuracy of her claims.

Glenn Beck poses a crucial question regarding Tlaib's potential consequences for her involvement in inciting an insurrection. He wonders if she will face impeachment or any other form of accountability. Stu Burguiere, another voice in the conversation, suggests that Tlaib should, at the very least, be recognized for her acting skills.

In conclusion, the events of this new January 6 have brought attention to the actions and rhetoric of left-wing politicians like Rashida Tlaib. The involvement of such figures raises questions about the fairness and consistency of the political system. It is essential to examine the facts and consider different perspectives before forming opinions on these complex issues.

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