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SNL Video: Bad Bunny Tía and Pedro Pascal Mamá Ultimate Tag Team

Pedro Pascal flaunts his comedic skills in a recurring character sketch on SNL alongside Bad Bunny, showcasing their chemistry.

In the latest episode of Saturday Night Live, Pedro Pascal and guest host Bad Bunny were given the opportunity to shine. Pascal made his second appearance as the overprotective mother, while Bad Bunny played both the aunt and a recurring character sketch.

Although there were concerns about the possibility of offensive stereotypes, as Marcello Hernandez, one of the credited writers of the sketch, based the character on his own mother, SNL decided to go ahead with it. The sketch featured Mamá and Tía, portrayed by Bad Bunny, along with Chloe Troast as the nervous girlfriend, Casey.

Casey is understandably nervous about meeting Luis' family, and her fears are confirmed when Tía Rosa gives her a once-over and immediately dislikes her. Mamá adds to the tension by replacing Casey's Danish cookies with sewing thread and needles, a relatable detail for anyone with immigrant parents.

Throughout the sketch, Mamá and Tía engage in Spanish chatter, subtly taking jabs at Casey. Phrases like "Nepo baby," "flat butt," and "sneaky link" are thrown around, along with Mamá's fear of having white grandchildren named Tyler and Haley. Additionally, Mamá refuses to acknowledge the existence of depression, insisting that her son just enjoys the dark.

The chemistry between Pascal and Bad Bunny is evident, and it's unclear whether they are friends in real life. Rumors previously circulated about Pascal replacing Bad Bunny in the potentially canceled Spider-Man spin-off, El Muerto. However, their performance together in this sketch showcases their fantastic chemistry. Bad Bunny's timing and energy are on point, indicating a promising future in acting for him.

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