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Schitt's Creek star Emily Hampshire apologises for insensitive Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Halloween costume

'Schitt's Creek' star Emily Hampshire apologizes for dressing up as Johnny Depp and Amber Heard for Halloween, calling it "thoughtless and insensitive."

"Schitt's Creek" star Emily Hampshire has issued an apology for her Halloween costume, in which she and a friend dressed up as Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. Hampshire, who is 42 years old, wore fake tattoos, a mustache, and a suit resembling Depp's style, while her friend portrayed the 37-year-old ex-wife of the 60-year-old Hollywood actor. The couple's infamous defamation trial, which took place in June 2022, was the subject of their costume choice.

In her Instagram apology, Hampshire expressed regret for her "thoughtless, insensitive, and ignorant" decision to mock the couple's legal battle, particularly in light of the domestic abuse allegations that were raised during the trial. She acknowledged that domestic abuse is a serious issue and stated that she deeply regrets her actions. Hampshire also vowed to do better in the future and apologized once again for her behavior.

The actress has since deleted the photo she posted of herself and her friend imitating Depp and Heard's courtroom attire. Her friend's costume included a ruffled blouse, black skirt, and tights. They also had props, such as a bottle of wine, referencing a question asked during the trial about Depp pouring himself a large glass of red wine. Additionally, they had a fake piece of feces, alluding to Depp's claim of finding "human fecal matter" on his bed sheets.

The defamation trial between Depp and Heard resulted in Depp being awarded $15 million in damages against Heard. This came after Heard wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post in 2018, alleging that she had been a victim of domestic abuse. Heard was later awarded $2 million in damages for her counterclaim. Initially, Depp sought $50 million in damages, while Heard countersued for $100 million. However, the former couple ultimately reached a settlement.

In conclusion, Emily Hampshire has publicly apologized for her Halloween costume, acknowledging that it was insensitive and ignorant to make light of a serious issue like domestic abuse. She expressed deep regret for her actions and vowed to be more mindful in the future. Hampshire has since removed the photo from her social media and hopes to learn from this experience.

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