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Michael Thomas police car allegedly pushing threatening contractor

Saints wide receiver Michael Thomas was placed in a police car after threatening a contractor over a parking dispute.

New Orleans Saints wide receiver Michael Thomas found himself in a troubling situation when a contractor in his neighborhood accused him of pushing and threatening him over a parking dispute. The incident reportedly took place on Friday around 5:30 p.m., when the contractor, Luis Cifuentes, claimed that Thomas threw two bricks at his truck and physically pushed him.

According to Cifuentes, he is the project manager for a home being built near Thomas's residence, and Thomas became upset over the construction crew parking their vehicles on the street. Cifuentes alleged that Thomas made threatening remarks, including a warning that his car would be targeted with a "brick or a bullet" if he continued to park in the disputed area.

In a shocking turn of events, Cifuentes described how Thomas approached a pile of sand, grabbed a brick, and hurled it at his car, prompting him to start recording the incident on his phone. Thomas then allegedly grabbed Cifuentes' phone and pushed him, leaving the contractor feeling both surprised and disappointed by the wide receiver's behavior.

Expressing his disbelief, Cifuentes revealed that he had been a fan of Thomas and never expected to find himself in a confrontational situation with the NFL player. Despite the altercation, it remains uncertain whether Thomas was arrested. The New Orleans Saints have acknowledged the incident and are currently in the process of gathering more information.

As for Thomas's football career, the wide receiver has struggled with injuries over the past three years but has managed to play in all nine games this season. He currently ranks third on the Saints in both catches (38) and receiving yards (439), and there is no indication that the recent altercation will affect his availability for the upcoming game against the Minnesota Vikings.

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