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GOP congressman undecided expelling George Santos

Republican Congressman Warren Davidson is undecided on expelling George Santos, indicted on 23 felonies, despite damning House Ethics Committee report.

Republican U.S. Congressman Warren Davidson (R-OH) is facing scrutiny over his indecision on expelling U.S. Rep. George Santos, who is under federal indictment on 23 felonies. The House Ethics Committee subcommittee investigating Santos released a report with more potential law violations, recommending that Santos be referred to the U.S. Dept. of Justice.

In an interview with CNN, Davidson expressed his anticipation of the facts and claimed he had not yet heard or read them. He believes the matter primarily concerns Santos and the people who elected him, acknowledging that there may be mixed feelings in Santos' district.

Davidson's comments have raised questions about his stance, with the CNN anchor pressing him on his indecision. Davidson confirmed that he is indeed undecided, leaving his position on the matter ambiguous.

The Ohio Congressman's assertion that Santos' constituents have "mixed feelings" contrasts with a January poll showing that 78% of voters in Santos' district wanted him to resign before he was indicted on federal counts.

Davidson, who was recruited by U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) to replace John Boehner, serves in a staunchly Republican district and is affiliated with far-right House groups, the Freedom Caucus and Republican Study Committee. Last year, he drew controversy for comparing vaccine mandates to the Holocaust.

The House Ethics Committee Chairman Michael Guest is expected to introduce a resolution to expel George Santos from Congress, and lawmakers who previously voted against expulsion now express support for removing him following the damning House Ethics Committee report.

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