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Members of Sean Diddy Combs girl band speak out on rape allegations

Singer Cassie has accused P Diddy of years of abuse. Former bandmates have voiced support. Diddy denies the allegations.

Cassie has accused her ex-manager, Sean Combs, of years of abuse in a bombshell lawsuit filed on Thursday. The lawsuit alleges that Diddy spent years sexually and emotionally abusing her, forcing her to live a "lifestyle of excessive alcohol and substance abuse." The singer also accused the rapper of forcing her to have sex with male prostitutes while he filmed the encounters and sexually assaulting her in 2018. Former members of the music group Danity Kane have voiced their support for Cassie after news broke of the filing. Dawn Richard and Aubrey O'Day expressed their support for the singer, with O'Day sharing a clip from MTV's reality TV show Making The Band, where Danity Kane was formed, and claiming she was fired from the label because she "wasn't willing to do what was expected." The suit claims that Diddy "was prone to uncontrollable rage, and frequently beat Ms. Ventura savagely." Cassie released a statement saying she's finally ready to speak out after years of silence, while Combs denied the allegations, calling the suit baseless as part of Cassie's attempt to seek a payday. This has sparked a public dispute between the two parties, with Cassie's attorney claiming that Combs offered her "eight figures to silence her and prevent the filing of this lawsuit." The lawsuit has brought to light allegations of abuse and mistreatment within the music industry, shedding light on the trauma experienced by women in abusive relationships.

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