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Carragher Lineker North Macedonia vs England Penalty Decision Slammed

Gary Lineker and Jamie Carragher criticized the decision to award North Macedonia a penalty in their European Championship qualifying game against England.

Gary Lineker and Jamie Carragher, along with fans and pundits, were outraged by the decision to award a penalty to North Macedonia in their European Championship qualifying game against England. England, who had already secured their place in the tournament, were aiming to maintain their unbeaten record in Group C. They fell behind after Rico Lewis was penalized for a foul inside the box. North Macedonia also had nothing at stake in the match, as they were too far behind Italy and Ukraine in the group standings. Italy needed a win or draw to qualify, while Ukraine needed a victory to leapfrog their opponents.

The penalty decision was highly criticized by Lineker, Carragher, and fans watching the game. England, already qualified for the tournament, were playing to maintain their unbeaten record in Group C. North Macedonia, too far behind second and third-placed teams Italy and Ukraine, had nothing to play for in the match. The penalty was awarded to the hosts after Rico Lewis was penalized for a foul inside the box. The decision was met with shock and disbelief, with fans and pundits questioning the VAR process and the referee's decision.

Lewis, making his debut, was penalized for a foul inside the box, leading to a penalty for North Macedonia. The decision was heavily criticized by Lineker, Carragher, and fans, who were baffled by the penalty call. Former Chelsea captain John Terry also expressed disbelief at the decision. Carragher questioned the VAR process and why a previous tackle from Harry Maguire was not penalized. Despite the controversy, England managed to equalize with an own goal just before the hour mark.

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