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Jamie Foxx sued sexual assault Al Bawaba

Jamie Foxx sued for sexual assault in 2015 on NYC rooftop. Accuser alleges groping and inappropriate behavior. Social media reacts.

American actor and comedian Jamie Foxx is facing a lawsuit for allegedly sexually assaulting a woman on a rooftop in New York City back in 2015. The woman, identified as Jane Doe, claims that Foxx took her into a corner at the "Catch NYC rooftop lounge, where he rubbed her breasts and groped her under her pants against her will.

According to reports from Yahoo News and Variety, the incident occurred at around 1 AM when the woman and her friend were sitting at a table next to Foxx and the bar owner, Mark Birnbaum. The woman's friend had gotten up to ask Foxx for a photo, and as he agreed to take pictures with her, he began showering her with compliments, such as "Wow, you have that supermodel body" and "You smell so good."

The lawsuit alleges that a security guard witnessed Foxx putting his hands in the woman's pants and touching her inappropriately, but did nothing until the woman's friend returned, causing Foxx to stop and walk away.

The news of the lawsuit against Foxx initially sparked confusion among X users, who thought he was trending due to an impressive football throw he made on a basketball court. However, it was later revealed that he was being accused of sexual assault, leading to a flood of comments and posts on the matter.

In addition to Foxx, lead singer of American rock band Guns N' Roses, Axl Rose, and former CEO of Beats Electronics, Jimmy Iovine, were also accused of sexual assault in the past 24 hours, further adding to the already tense and problematic issue.

The lawsuit aims to compensate the woman for the pain, suffering, emotional distress, anxiety, and humiliation she experienced as a result of the assault, which required her to seek medical attention.

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