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NYPD prepares for protests at Rockefeller Center tree lighting ceremony: LIVE UPDATES

Thousands expected to gather for Rockefeller Plaza Christmas tree lighting; NYPD on high alert for potential pro-Palestinian protest.

The annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony at Rockefeller Plaza is expected to draw thousands of people, with millions more watching on television. However, the NYPD is on high alert due to an anticipated pro-Palestinian protest. While there are no specific or credible threats, the NYPD Intelligence and Counterterrorism Bureau is closely monitoring the situation.

Social media has been used to mobilize a "call to action" against Israel's attacks on Gaza, prompting concerns about potential disruptions to the event. The NYPD's elite counterterrorism unit is prepared to deploy a variety of resources to ensure the safety of the city, taking into account global events and local developments.

Former NYPD Chief of Department Terence Monahan emphasized the importance of balancing First Amendment rights with the need to prevent disruptions to the ceremony. This comes in the context of heightened terrorism and extremist activity following recent attacks by Hamas on Israel.

The centerpiece of the event, an 80-foot Norway Spruce adorned with 50,000 LED lights and a 900-pound Swarovski star, will be illuminated for the first time this holiday season at around 10 p.m. on Wednesday. With the potential for both celebration and unrest, the NYPD is working to ensure the safety and security of all attendees.

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