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Deion Sanders coaching at Florida State could have taken them to College Football Playoffs, says Stephen A Smith [Video]

Florida State Seminoles miss college football playoffs despite overcoming adversity, with Stephen A Smith and Paul Finebaum discussing the reasons why.

The Florida State Seminoles were dealt a devastating blow when they learned that they would not be part of the college football playoffs. This news came after Quarterback Jordan Travis suffered a serious leg injury a few weeks ago, leading many to doubt the team's chances. However, they rallied and emerged victorious, defeating Louisville in the ACC championship game with a score of 16-6 in Charlotte last Saturday.

Despite their impressive performance, it was not enough to secure a spot in the playoffs. Max Russo, Shannon Sharpe, Stephen A Smith, and Paul Finebaum discussed the Seminoles' disappointment on the matter.

Finebaum pointed out that Stephen A Smith had made a compelling argument the previous week, stating that the American audience deserved better than to witness another one-sided game like last year's championship, where Georgia defeated TCU 65-7. This argument held weight, as it was clear that TCU was outmatched, and fans feared a similar outcome for the ACC Champions. Former Florida State Quarterback EJ Manuel defended his team, highlighting their winning streak and suggesting that the decision not to include them in the playoffs was a business decision made for the sport's integrity.

Stephen A Smith reiterated his stance, explaining the reasons behind Florida State's exclusion from the playoffs. He urged the team and their fans not to blame him or the committee, but rather direct their frustration towards TCU. He emphasized the business aspect of college football and suggested that if Deion Sanders were the head coach, the outcome may have been different. He argued that Sanders' charisma and influence would have made a difference in the committee's decision-making process.

These discussions brought valid points to the table and shed light on the complexities of college football. As the bowl season approaches, it's clear that the sport is not only about athleticism but also about business and influence. The debate surrounding Florida State's exclusion from the playoffs highlights the intricate dynamics at play in college football. As fans, it's important to consider these factors and appreciate the excitement and intensity that come with the college football bowl season.

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Comments on Deion Sanders coaching at Florida State could have taken them to College Football Playoffs, says Stephen A Smith [Video]