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KCDK-E: Concern over Imrali situation after earthquake

5.1-magnitude earthquake in Gemlik raises concerns about Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan's isolation. Call for international intervention and protests.

On Monday, a 5.1-magnitude sea and earthquake struck Gemlik, causing 13 aftershocks with strengths of up to 4.5 on the Richter scale. This seismic activity occurred in the vicinity of Imrali, the island where the Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan is held in total isolation. The KCDK-E, the umbrella organization of the Kurdish diaspora in Europe, expressed deep concern over the lack of news from Öcalan, who has been held captive by the fascist AKP-MHP regime under strict isolation for 24 years.

The KCDK-E highlighted the fact that Öcalan suffers from chronic illnesses and has not been allowed to have any contact with the outside world for almost three years. The organization criticized the authorities for not permitting visits from relatives and lawyers, as well as the lack of communication options. They called on international institutions to take action against this blatant violation of legal principles.

In the wake of the earthquake, the KCDK-E condemned the authorities for failing to provide any information about Öcalan's well-being. They emphasized the urgent need for visits from lawyers and family members, stating that Öcalan is considered a red line for the Kurdish people and is seen as their future. The organization called for an end to the isolation and torture system imposed on Öcalan and urged for immediate action to ensure his freedom.

In response to Öcalan's isolation, the KCDK-E called for widespread resistance, stating that it is the duty of all institutions, people, and allies to mobilize against the isolation system and end the uncertainty about Öcalan's life. They emphasized the need for immediate protests and demanded to be informed about Öcalan's condition.

The KCDK-E stressed that the fight for Öcalan's freedom will continue to grow, and called for solidarity in the quest to break the isolation imposed on him. As an organization, they reiterated their demand for information about Öcalan's well-being and urged for immediate action in response to the ongoing situation.

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