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Hunter Biden indicted on 9 tax charges and gun charges in special counsel investigation

Hunter Biden indicted on nine tax charges in California, intensifying scrutiny as Joe Biden's son and 2024 election backdrop.

Hunter Biden is facing a significant legal battle as he has been indicted on nine tax charges in California. These charges come as part of a special counsel investigation into the business dealings of President Joe Biden's son, adding to the federal firearms charges he is already facing in Delaware. The new charges filed include three felonies and six misdemeanors, indicating a serious legal situation for Hunter Biden.

The charges are related to Hunter Biden's tax bills, which totaled at least $1.4 million between 2016 and 2019. The special counsel, David Weiss, has accused Hunter Biden of spending millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle rather than paying his taxes. If convicted, Hunter Biden could face a maximum of 17 years in prison, and the special counsel probe remains open.

In response, Hunter Biden's defense attorney, Abbe Lowell, has accused Weiss of "bowing to Republican pressure" in the case and suggested that the charges would not have been brought if Hunter Biden's last name was not Biden. The White House has declined to comment on the indictment, and the Justice Department or Hunter Biden's personal representatives have been referred to for further inquiries.

The charging documents filed in California detail Hunter Biden's spending on drugs, strippers, luxury hotels, and exotic cars, painting a picture of a lavish lifestyle. The indictment comes at a time when congressional Republicans are pursuing an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, alleging that he was involved in an influence-peddling scheme with his son. However, no evidence has emerged to prove these claims so far.

The separate, long-running criminal investigation into Hunter Biden was expected to conclude with a plea deal, but it fell through over the summer. The new charges include filing a false return and tax evasion felonies, as well as misdemeanor failure to file and failure to pay. Hunter Biden's defense has indicated that they plan to fight the new charges, possibly relying on immunity provisions from the original plea deal.

The federal gun charges filed in Delaware allege that Hunter Biden lied about his drug use to buy a gun, which he kept for 11 days in 2018. Hunter Biden's longstanding struggle with substance abuse, detailed in his memoir "Beautiful Things," has been a central point in his legal battles. Despite his struggles, his gross income totaled some $7 million between 2016 and 2020, pointing to his various business ventures during this time.

Overall, the legal situation surrounding Hunter Biden is complex and ongoing, with significant implications for both him and his father, President Joe Biden. The new charges in California add to the intensity of the special counsel investigation, and the outcome of this legal battle remains to be seen.

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