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Live updates: Vivek Ramaswamy town hall on CNN in Iowa

Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy is distancing himself from Trump with conservative policies, aiming to establish himself as an authentic MAGA-aligned Republican.

In a recent speech, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy outlined his conservative policies, aiming to set himself apart from former President Donald Trump and establish himself as a genuine Republican candidate aligned with the MAGA movement.

Ramaswamy's focus on shrinking the size of the federal government in his policy address was a deliberate move to distinguish himself from Trump and demonstrate his own policy expertise. This shift in messaging suggests that his campaign is seeking longevity in the 2024 Republican primary, which is still heavily influenced by the former president.

The Ohio-based entrepreneur's proposal to eliminate multiple federal agencies and implement mass layoffs of federal employees represents a departure from Trump's approach and is part of his effort to differentiate himself from other Republicans. This new tactic contrasts with Ramaswamy's previous staunch defense of the Trump administration and the former president amid ongoing legal challenges.

During his speech at the America First Policy Institute, Ramaswamy made a compelling case for his conservative vision, emphasizing the legal basis for his argument that the president has the authority to restructure the federal government. This address was a significant opportunity for the Republican candidate to showcase his policy proposals and how they could potentially surpass Trump's initiatives.

Overall, Ramaswamy's policy address signals a strategic shift in his campaign and a deliberate effort to carve out his own path within the Republican party, positioning himself as a serious contender in the upcoming debates and primaries.

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