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"Moms for Liberty Co-Founder Bridget Ziegler Linked to Rape Claim"

Florida school board member Bridget Ziegler faces calls to resign amid husband's sexual abuse allegations and far-right advocacy. #KarensGoneWild

The controversy surrounding Bridget Ziegler, a member of Moms for Liberty and the Sarasota County School Board, has reached a boiling point. The school board passed a resolution calling for her resignation due to her husband's alleged sexual abuse allegations. This has caused embarrassment for the school board and has sparked a debate about the far-right agenda that Moms for Liberty advocates. Despite the nonbinding nature of the resolution, the pressure for Ziegler to resign is mounting. The scandal has even caused Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to call for her husband's resignation, highlighting the severity of the situation. It remains to be seen how Ziegler will respond to this pressure, but the controversy has certainly brought attention to the issues surrounding her and her advocacy.

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