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Chargers fire coach Brandon Staley and general manager Tom Telesco amid disappointing season

Los Angeles Chargers fire coach Brandon Staley and general manager Tom Telesco after one of the worst losses in franchise history.

The Los Angeles Chargers have made a major shakeup in their coaching staff and management, firing both head coach Brandon Staley and general manager Tom Telesco. This move comes after the Chargers suffered one of the worst defeats in franchise history, a 63-21 loss to the Las Vegas Raiders. The team's disappointing 5-9 season has seen them plummet to the bottom of the AFC West, with losses in five of their last six games.

Staley, who had an overall record of 24-25, becomes the third NFL coach to be fired this season, following Josh McDaniels of the Raiders and Carolina's Frank Reich. Telesco, who had been the general manager since 2013, saw the team make only three playoff appearances under his leadership, with an overall record of 86-95.

The decision to make these changes was not taken lightly, as owner Dean Spanos emphasized that the team's loyal fans deserve better. The Chargers have announced that they are yet to name an interim coach and general manager, but their next game is scheduled for December 23 against the Buffalo Bills.

Staley's aggressive coaching style, particularly his go-for-it approach on fourth downs, drew criticism throughout his tenure with the Chargers. This season, the team had a disappointing 6-12 record in games decided by three points or less, including a dismal 0-5 record.

The Chargers' defense, which was ranked 29th in the league under Staley, has been a major point of concern. Despite his success as the Los Angeles Rams' defensive coordinator, Staley was unable to replicate that performance with the Chargers. The team's offensive struggles, compounded by injuries to key players, also contributed to their disappointing season.

Telesco's tenure as general manager was marked by struggles in building roster depth and addressing the team's injury woes. While he had success with first-round draft picks such as quarterback Justin Herbert and edge rusher Joey Bosa, his inability to sign and retain talent in the later rounds was a major issue for the Chargers.

The decision to fire Staley and Telesco comes after a string of disappointing seasons for the Chargers, with the team unable to build on their playoff appearance last year. The franchise is now at a crossroads, with the need to find new leadership that can guide them back to success.

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