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Exploring Houston: A Guide for Beyoncé Fans and More

Beyoncé's love for Houston is evident as the city shares stories and locations connected to the global superstar.

Beyoncé's Love for Houston: A Comprehensive Guide to the Queen's Favorite Spots

When Beyoncé shouts out Houston, it's not just lip service. The global superstar loves her hometown, and H-town loves her back. Everywhere you go in the city, it seems that everyone has a story about Beyoncé. From Phil & Derek's restaurant in Midtown to Frenchy's chicken, Beyoncé's presence is felt all over Houston.

Frenchy's chicken holds a special place in the singer's heart. She's been dining there since she was a little girl, and she's notorious for visiting the fast-food restaurant or ordering to-go when she's in town. Her love of Frenchy's goes beyond the food - it's a connection to her community.

St. John's United Methodist Church is another significant place for Beyoncé. She has had special ties to this church since her youth, singing her first solo on its stage. She continues to support the community there, donating millions over the years to different efforts. The church is a part of her roots, and her presence there is felt by the community.

Union Kitchen restaurants recently threw a Beyoncé-themed brunch to commemorate the "Renaissance" movie premiere. The turnout was great, with hundreds of reservations and customers decked out in silver - the dress code of the Renaissance World Tour. The brunch included specialty drinks and food items in honor of Beyoncé, celebrating her impact on the city.

B&B Butchers & Restaurant is another of Beyoncé's favorites, known for its private dining room where she and Jay-Z have dined. They are purportedly the only people who have used the back entrance of the restaurant. In 2019, the pair reportedly ordered an assortment of food to-go from B&B for their private jet after watching a Rockets game.

For fans who want to get a glimpse of Beyoncé's early years, they can take a stroll down Parkwood Drive to see one of her childhood homes. The white residence is located in the MacGregor Way area, and it was featured in the singer's autobiographical film "Beyoncé: Life is But a Dream."

Beyoncé's affection for Houston runs deep, and her impact on the city is evident. These are just a few of the great places to start for fans visiting Houston. There is always more to see and do, especially when it comes to a superstar with so much impact in the city and around the world.

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