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Ruby Franke: 8 Passengers Mommy YouTuber Faces Deviated Morality

YouTuber mom admits to abusing her pre-teen children, blaming their 'evil and possessed' nature. Plea deal includes prison time.

A Utah mom who gained fame for her parenting advice on YouTube has confessed to abusing her pre-teen children, whom she labeled as 'evil and possessed.' Ruby Franke, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, shared her family life on the channel 8 Passengers, which reached over two million subscribers. However, the family's videos sparked controversy due to Ruby's treatment of her two youngest kids.

Legal documents allege that Ruby, 41, inflicted 'physical torture' on her 12-year-old son Russell and 'severe emotional harm' on her 9-year-old daughter Eve. The punishments included making her children perform hard labor, forcing them to sleep outside, and withholding food and water for days at a time. One instance involved Ruby binding her son's feet with handcuffs when he tried to escape, and making him work in the heat without enough water until he suffered serious sunburns. She would only treat his wounds with 'homeopathic remedies and covered with duct tape.'

The mom also admitted to kicking her son while wearing boots, holding his head underwater, and cutting off his oxygen. She also abused her daughter, forcing her to complete physical tasks and denying her food and water. Ruby defended her actions by claiming that her children were possessed by evil forces and in need of repentance.

The arrest of the couple followed their 12-year-old son escaping from their home and asking a neighbor to call the police. The overall 8 Passengers show also came under scrutiny, with parenting decisions such as banning their oldest son from his bedroom for seven months and making threats to punish their children.

The 8 Passengers channel has since been deleted, and Ruby's husband filed for divorce. Ruby initially faced six counts of child abuse, but two charges were dropped as part of her plea deal. She agreed to testify against her husband, who she alleges 'took advantage' of her and led her to develop 'a distorted sense of morality.' As part of her plea agreement, Ruby agreed to serve prison time, with each charge carrying a sentence of one to 15 years. She is set to be sentenced on Feb. 20.

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