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Cardinals vs Bears Week 16 weather report: Chicago forecast

Chicago Bears and Arizona Cardinals are out of playoff contention, playing for draft positioning. Weather conditions may impact today's game.

Today's matchup between the Chicago Bears and the Arizona Cardinals may not have any playoff implications, but it's still an important game for both teams. With both teams out of the playoff race, the focus shifts to draft positioning. The Cardinals are within reach of the first overall pick, while the Bears are looking at a top 10, possibly even a top five, pick.

One of the biggest questions facing both teams is the future of their quarterbacks. Should they stick with their current starters or use their high draft picks to select a quarterback from the talented class available this year? Today's game could provide some clarity on this issue.

Weather conditions will also play a significant role in today's game. The forecast for Chicago is not ideal, with chilly temperatures and a high chance of rain. The cold weather is nothing new for Chicago football, but the addition of rain could make things more challenging for both teams.

As kickoff approaches, the current 85% humidity is expected to turn into actual rain, creating a wet and slippery playing field. This could have a significant impact on the performance of quarterbacks Kyler Murray and Justin Fields as they take the field.

In addition to the weather, today's game is important for draft order. The Cardinals are currently in a battle with the Carolina Panthers, who hold the top pick that will be sent to Chicago. If Arizona continues to lose and the Panthers secure a few wins, the draft order could shift.

For the Bears, a win would provide an opportunity to evaluate whether Fields is their future quarterback. The game will be broadcast locally on FOX in the respective markets, with other markets likely to receive the game of the week. Overall, today's game is not just about draft positioning, but also about evaluating the future of both teams.

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