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Michigan Football: NCAA called out after Alabama violation on transfer

Michigan football lost a prized transfer to Alabama, igniting outrage over a potential double standard in treatment by the NCAA.

The controversy surrounding Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh's treatment compared to that of Alabama coach Nick Saban is causing a stir in the college football world. The recent loss of prospective transfer Domani Jackson to Alabama, the team Michigan is set to play in the Rose Bowl, has sparked outrage among Michigan supporters. Video footage of Jackson at an Alabama practice, shaking hands with Saban, has raised questions about potential NCAA violations.

The video, shared by, shows Saban greeting Jackson at an Alabama practice on December 28, during the NCAA's recruiting "dead zone." This has led to accusations that Saban and his coaching staff violated NCAA rules by actively recruiting Jackson, who was not yet committed to Alabama. The situation has drawn comparisons to Harbaugh's past suspension for minor recruiting violations, such as buying burgers for prospective recruits and meeting with them via Zoom during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Michigan's frustration is compounded by the fact that Jackson was a highly sought-after player whom the Wolverines had recruited in 2021 before he committed to USC. Michigan continued to pursue Jackson after he entered the transfer portal, but ultimately lost out to Alabama. This has led to claims that Saban's actions with Jackson are on par with the recruiting violations that sparked the scrutiny of Harbaugh by the NCAA.

Despite the controversy, Harbaugh remains a proponent of the transfer portal, defending the rights of players and their families to choose where they continue their college education. He has expressed support for the benefits of the transfer portal, emphasizing the positive impact it can have on student-athletes' lives.

As the debate continues, the Michigan football program faces the challenge of navigating the transfer portal and recruiting new talent. While the Wolverines have missed out on some key prospects, Harbaugh remains committed to utilizing the transfer portal to build a competitive team.

The controversy surrounding Harbaugh's suspension and the recent recruitment of Domani Jackson has sparked a broader discussion about the NCAA's rules and the treatment of coaches and programs. As Michigan prepares for the Rose Bowl and looks ahead to future recruiting efforts, the impact of this controversy on the college football landscape remains to be seen.

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