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Tom Wilkinson, The Full Monty actor, dies at 75

Actor Tom Wilkinson, who starred in "The Full Monty," died suddenly. He was nominated for two Oscars and acted in 130 films.

Beloved two-time Oscar-nominated actor Tom Wilkinson, known for his role in "The Full Monty" as a former steel worker turned stripper, passed away suddenly on Saturday, as confirmed by his publicist. His family has requested privacy during this difficult time.

Wilkinson received Oscar nominations for his leading role in "In The Bedroom" in 2001 and his supporting role in "Michael Clayton" in 2007. He recently reunited with his "The Full Monty" co-stars in a Disney+ series of the same name, bringing back the magic of the original 1997 film that won an Oscar for best original musical or comedy score.

In "The Full Monty", Wilkinson played the character of ex-foreman Gerald Cooper, who helps a group of unemployed men learn to dance for their new careers as strippers. His performance earned him a best supporting actor Bafta.

Throughout his career, Wilkinson appeared in over 130 film and TV credits, including portrayals of U.S. political figures such as President Lyndon B Johnson in "Selma" and Benjamin Franklin in the mini-series "John Adams", for which he won an Emmy.

His work also included roles in BBC adaptations of Charles Dickens' "Martin Chuzzlewit" and Jane Austen's "Sense and Sensibility", as well as appearances in films like "The Grand Budapest Hotel" and "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel".

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