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Golden Globes 2024: Barbie domination, Succession, The Crown, record-breakers

Golden Globes 2024: Barbie and Oppenheimer lead nominations, Bradley Cooper and Emma Stone up for multiple awards, Meryl Streep sets record.

The Golden Globe Awards are a highly anticipated event in the entertainment industry, and this year's nominees are bringing a lot of excitement to the table. With the ceremony being reinvented and revamped, there is a lot of buzz surrounding the potential winners and record-breaking performances.

Barbie and Oppenheimer are two blockbusters that are expected to make a big impact at this year's Golden Globes. With nine nominations, Barbie is poised to dominate the awards, while Oppenheimer could break records with eight nominations. Both films have garnered significant attention and are expected to be major contenders at the ceremony.

Bradley Cooper is another star to watch, with nominations for best actor and best director for his film Maestro. This could be his year to finally take home a Golden Globe after several previous nominations. Emma Stone is also a strong contender, with nominations for her performances in both film and TV categories.

Veteran actor Steve Martin has never won a Golden Globe, despite multiple nominations over the years. This year, he is once again nominated for his role in the comedy series Only Murders In The Building, and fans are hoping that he will finally receive the recognition he deserves.

Meryl Streep, one of the most decorated stars in Hollywood, has earned her 34th Golden Globe nomination for her role in Only Murders In The Building. Her performance has garnered critical acclaim, and she is considered a favorite to win in the best supporting performance category.

In the TV category, Succession and The Crown are both vying for the top spot, with the potential to equal the record for most wins in the best drama series category. Both series have received multiple nominations, and the competition is fierce as the stars of these shows vie for acting awards as well.

Overall, this year's Golden Globe Awards promise to be an exciting and unpredictable event, with a diverse range of nominees and a renewed sense of energy in the entertainment industry. Fans and industry insiders alike are eagerly awaiting the ceremony to see who will come out on top and make history.

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