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Trump Georgia case totally compromised allegations Fani Willis

Trump insists Georgia election case should be dropped, accuses district attorney of improper behavior, claims indictment is "fatally defective."

Former President Trump has demanded that the case against him and several others in Georgia regarding the state's 2020 election results be dropped. This demand comes after another defendant filed a motion accusing Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis of improper behavior. Trump stated that the district attorney is "totally compromised" and that the case should be dismissed. He also claimed that the actions of the district attorney were illegal and should be handled by the state. Mike Roman, a Philadelphia-based political operative who served as Trump's director of Election Day operations, has accused Willis and a top prosecutor of engaging in an "improper" romantic relationship, which he claims makes the indictment "fatally defective." However, Roman did not provide any hard evidence of the accusations. Trump and his campaign have been critical of Willis, accusing her of interfering in the 2024 election by bringing charges against the former president. Trump is currently facing charges in Georgia and Washington, D.C., related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. In Washington, his legal team is arguing that he has presidential immunity and cannot be prosecuted for charges related to the 2020 election.

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