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National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day: Honoring sacrifices

Law enforcement officers work 24/7 to protect the public and sacrifice family time. National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day is January 9.

Law enforcement officers are often encountered during difficult times, but it's important to remember that they are just people doing their jobs. Winston County Sheriff Mike Perkins emphasizes the dedication and sacrifice of officers, who work around the clock and often miss important family events to protect the public. National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day on January 9 serves as a reminder to show gratitude for the officers who put their safety and lives on the line. Perkins and other officers appreciate the support and respect they receive from their communities, whether it's through social media posts or a simple thank you in person. Expressing appreciation to officers for their hard work and dedication goes a long way and means a lot to them. So next time you see an officer, take a moment to show your gratitude and let them know that their efforts are truly appreciated.

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