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Picking up the pieces in Panama City Beach: Surviving against the odds

Panama City Beach resident thankful to be alive after surviving monster storm. Describes experience and thanks landlord for help. God is good.

TJ Evans, a resident of Panama City Beach, was left picking up the pieces and salvaging what she could after a monstrous storm tore through her neighborhood. Despite the devastation, Evans is grateful to be alive.

Originally from Kansas, Evans moved to Panama City Beach five years ago and has been living in her current unit for the past two years. She recalled hearing the sound of a freight train at 5:30 in the morning and immediately sought shelter in her bathroom, where she began to pray for safety.

Desensitized to severe weather due to her upbringing in tornado alley, Evans found it ironic that she experienced a tornado in Florida. Her unit suffered significant damage, with a large hole in the roof, but she expressed disbelief and gratitude at having survived the storm.

Following the initial wave of storms, Fire Chief Ray Morgan organized the evacuation of residents to Treasure Island, where Evans witnessed the rescue of a woman from the rubble. Chief Morgan's swift and effective response left a lasting impression on Evans, who was later provided temporary accommodation by her landlord, Diana Dipietro.

Dipietro's generosity and support during this difficult time left Evans feeling thankful for the people in her life. Despite the challenges she faced, Evans found comfort in her family and friends, emphasizing the importance of quality relationships. With her faith and resilience, she remained optimistic, acknowledging that this too shall pass.

As she worked to salvage what was left of her home, Evans reflected on the value of life and the strength of her support system. Grateful for her survival and the kindness of those around her, she remained hopeful for the future, knowing that she had her loved ones to look forward to.

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