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Lions DB blatant hold vs. Puka Nacua late 3rd down apparent getaway

Controversial no-call in Rams vs. Lions game sparks outrage among fans as officials miss key penalty late in the game.

The outcome of Sunday night's game between the Rams and Lions was not decided by officials, but there were some controversial calls and missed penalties on both sides. One of the most significant plays was a grab by Cameron Sutton on Puka Nacua late in the fourth quarter.

On the Rams' final offensive play of the game, Matthew Stafford threw deep to Nacua on third-and-14, hoping to pick up the first down with the Rams trailing by a point. The pass fell incomplete, but there was a lot of contact.

Despite what appeared to be a blatant hold on Nacua's jersey by Sutton, no flag was thrown. The hold hindered Nacua and made it a much more difficult catch. Additionally, the Lions could have been flagged for hitting a defenseless receiver near his head, as a linebacker delivered a blow to Nacua's head/neck area.

The lack of a penalty left Rams fans upset, as it could have given the Rams an automatic first down for defensive holding, or even a first down inside the 30 if pass interference was called.

After the game, Rams head coach Sean McVay chose not to comment on the play until he could review the tape. However, his silence spoke volumes, indicating that he also believed it was a penalty.

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