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Mike Tomlin Steelers NFL purgatory no quick way out

Mike Tomlin's consistent coaching has kept Pittsburgh competitive, but the Steelers have struggled in the playoffs. The team's future is uncertain.

Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin has been a model of consistency throughout his tenure, leading the team to sustained competitiveness in the NFL. However, the results have been consistently good but not great, as the team has struggled to make a lasting impact in the playoffs. The recent 31-17 loss to Buffalo in the wild-card round is a familiar pattern for the Steelers, who have faced similar playoff setbacks in recent years.

Despite speculation about Tomlin's future, there is little evidence to suggest that the 51-year-old coach is ready to move on. Players like T.J. Watt and Cam Heyward have expressed their support for Tomlin, emphasizing his commitment to the team and the desire to continue coaching in Pittsburgh.

While there have been some success stories this season, such as the emergence of young talent and individual achievements, the Steelers have faced numerous challenges, including the firing of their offensive coordinator and internal issues with certain players. Despite these obstacles, the team managed to secure a playoff spot for the 11th time under Tomlin's leadership, but once again failed to make a significant impact in the postseason.

The Steelers' inability to meet "the standard" that Tomlin has set for the team is a source of frustration for both the coach and the players. Defensive star T.J. Watt, who led the NFL in sacks, expressed his disappointment at not being able to advance in the playoffs and is eager to experience the feeling of success at the end of the season.

Looking ahead, the Steelers face uncertainty at the quarterback position, as well as the potential departure of key players like Cam Heyward. These decisions will have significant implications for the team's future and its ability to remain competitive in the NFL.

Overall, the Steelers' recent playoff loss has highlighted the need for change and improvement, as they aim to overcome the challenges and reach new heights under Mike Tomlin's leadership.

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