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Anders Carlson Hopes to Get Another Kick in the News

Viral Summary: Carlson missed a field goal leading to 49ers win. Packers coach supports him, says it's not just one play.

Despite missing a crucial 41-yard field-goal attempt, Carlson did not get another chance to redeem himself in the game against San Francisco. The 49ers took advantage of the miss, scoring a touchdown and taking the lead instead of tying the game. This ultimately led to their victory and advancement to the NFC Championship Game.

After the game, Green Bay coach Matt LaFleur expressed his commitment to Carlson, stating that the team would see things through with him. LaFleur acknowledged that young kickers often face challenges and emphasized the importance of resilience and consistency in the face of adversity.

Carlson, on the other hand, recognized the need for improvement, acknowledging the inconsistency in his performance. He expressed a desire to put his team in the best position possible and highlighted the hard work put in by his teammates.

Despite the missed field-goal attempt, LaFleur did not attribute the defeat solely to that play, emphasizing that there were plenty of opportunities throughout the game that could have changed the outcome.

Overall, the game highlighted the challenges and growing pains that young kickers often face in the league, underscoring the importance of resilience, consistency, and the ability to learn and improve.

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