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Palworld: Gaming's Latest Viral Sensation Hits 2 Million Sales in 24 Hours

Palworld, a new crafting-survival adventure game, has sold over 2 million copies in 24 hours, surpassing popular titles on Steam.

Palworld, a new survival game reminiscent of Pokemon, has taken the gaming world by storm. The highly anticipated game, which combines crafting, base management, and third-person action combat with guns, has already sold over 2 million copies in its first 24 hours of release. Priced at $29.99 per purchase, developer Pocketpair has achieved massive success with the game's launch on PC and Xbox.

Palworld's popularity has caught the attention of industry giants like Nintendo and The Pokemon Company, who are undoubtedly intrigued by this new "Pokemon with guns" hit. The game's unique blend of features from successful titles has drawn in a massive player base, causing server issues for Pocketpair. The developer has even had to consult with Epic Games to enhance the game's multiplayer server functionality.

Despite these challenges, Palworld has become the #1 most-played game on Steam, surpassing popular titles like Call of Duty HQ, DOTA 2, and Counter-Strike 2. In just one day, the game has peaked at an incredible 855,706 players on Steam and is currently the top-selling game by revenues on the platform.

The game's success has solidified its position as the next mega-popular indie sensation, captivating players with its unique gameplay and earning the admiration of industry leaders. As Palworld continues to gain traction, it's clear that it has the potential to become a major player in the gaming industry.

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