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Draymond Green slams Chris Paul in message to Devin Booker

Draymond Green admits to 'hating' Chris Paul in the past but now considers him a top 5 teammate. Paul wouldn't have signed without Green.

In a recent interview, Draymond Green opened up about his past feelings towards Chris Paul, revealing that he once openly confessed to Devin Booker about his 'hate' for the five-time Assists Champion. Green, who has known Booker since high school, shared that he expressed his strong dislike for Paul to Booker, who understood but also noted that Paul might not feel the same way. Green attributed his past sentiments to immaturity and acknowledged that he needed to grow from it.

Despite their rocky history, Green and Paul have seemingly patched things up, with Green even going as far as to say that Paul has earned a spot in his top 5 teammates based on their brief partnership. Green praised Paul for being the first person to check up on him during a challenging time, highlighting Paul's qualities as a teammate.

Paul also revealed that he wouldn't have signed with the Warriors if Green hadn't re-signed with the team. This admission further emphasizes the bond and camaraderie between the two players.

As the Golden State Warriors navigate the challenges of the 2023-24 season, it's reassuring for Dubs Nation to see their two most seasoned marquee players building a strong relationship. This newfound camaraderie could bode well for the team as they aim to secure a spot in the play-in tournament berths.

In other NBA news, Gilbert Arenas recently conceded the title of Washington Wizards GOAT to John Wall and Bradley Beal, acknowledging their impact and the love they receive from the city. This recognition speaks to the lasting impact and influence of these players on the team and the city.

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