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Parents Courtney Clenney claim KNEW cops monitoring

"Parents of OnlyFans model accused of murder knew they were being watched by police, now arrested for evidence tampering."

Courtney Clenney, an OnlyFans model who has been charged with second-degree murder for allegedly stabbing her boyfriend, Christian Obumseli, to death, has had her parents arrested for evidence tampering. Kim and Deborah Clenney, the parents of the alleged murderer, were taken into custody at their home in Austin, Texas, after allegedly accessing Obumseli's computer. The prosecution claims that Kim Clenney, 60, removed the computer from the crime scene and accessed it with a password provided by her daughter. In an interview with TMZ, conducted before their arrest, the parents expressed concern that the prosecution was monitoring their every move. Deborah Clenney stated that every word they said to each other was being recorded and that the prosecution was playing dirty. Kim Clenney added that the prosecution would do and say everything to win the case.

The couple has been charged with evidence tampering and will appear virtually in court in Miami for a bond hearing. Courtney Clenney, who has pleaded not guilty to the charges, has attracted millions of followers on social media and has documented her life with Obumseli. The couple had moved to Miami after living in Austin, Texas, where police had been called to their home on several occasions. Clenney has claimed self-defense in the stabbing, but the prosecution alleges that the injuries Obumseli sustained indicate that the stabbing was intentional. The case has garnered widespread attention and controversy, with Clenney's family and lawyers asserting that she was acting in self-defense, while Obumseli's family and lawyers claim that she was the aggressor. The case has also resulted in a lawsuit against Clenney by Obumseli's family for negligence. Overall, the situation is complex and has raised numerous questions about the events leading up to the tragic death of Christian Obumseli.

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