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Brad Pitt Quentin Tarantino Team Up One Last Time Socialite Life

Brad Pitt and Quentin Tarantino are teaming up for a new film called The Movie Critic, adding to their successful collaborations.

Brad Pitt and Quentin Tarantino are gearing up for another collaboration, according to reports from Deadline. The famed director, who is currently working on his final movie, is set to team up with Pitt for The Movie Critic. The film will center around a 1970s movie critic who writes reviews for a porn magazine.

While it's unclear whether Pitt will take on the titular role, this will mark the third time the actor has worked with Tarantino, following their previous collaborations in Inglourious Basterds and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

Since May 2023, Tarantino has been busy rewriting the script for The Movie Critic. He has debunked rumors that the film is about the famous New Yorker critic Pauline Kael, instead revealing that it is based on a real-life writer known for his acerbic wit and ability to write beyond his years. According to Tarantino, the writer's reviews were a mix of early Howard Stern and what Travis Bickle might be if he were a film critic. It's worth noting that Pitt, at 60 years old, is older than the writer, who was in his early to mid-30s.

Despite keeping details of the project under wraps, Tarantino's fans are eagerly anticipating his final film, which will add to his impressive filmography that includes classics like Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, and Kill Bill. Whether or not Pitt takes on the lead role, audiences can expect another thrilling collaboration between Tarantino and the actor.

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