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Bobbi Althoff's Husband Cory Files Divorce Yahoo Sports

Young podcast host and husband, Cory Althoff, filed for divorce. The couple shares two daughters. Cory seeks joint custody and no spousal support.

Bobbi Althoff and her estranged husband, Cory Althoff, have two young daughters together. On Wednesday, Cory filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences as the reason. The couple, who married in January 2020, separated on July 4, 2023. Cory is seeking joint physical and legal custody of their daughters, Isla and Luca, and has requested that the court not award spousal support to either party. Bobbi, who gained fame as a social media influencer on TikTok and launched The Really Good Podcast, has not yet commented on the divorce. Cory is a senior vice president of software development programs at CompTIA, and the couple's relationship was kept relatively private, with Bobbi preferring to maintain that privacy. However, they did make occasional appearances together on social media, including a promotional video for Bounty where they joked about their marriage. Despite their public presence, the couple's private life has now taken a different turn as they navigate the process of divorce.

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