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Clint Eastwood Golf Course Advice Inspires Toby Keith's "Don't Let The Old Man In"

Country music legend Toby Keith passed away, leaving behind a legacy of hits and a powerful song inspired by Clint Eastwood.

The country music world is still reeling from the loss of the iconic Toby Keith, who sadly passed away on February 5th. With a career spanning decades and countless hits, one of his most recent songs stands out as a shining example of his songwriting genius. During Clint Eastwood's charity golf tournament in Pebble Beach, California in 2017, the two larger-than-life personalities found themselves sharing a golf cart, a moment that would inspire a powerful song.

According to Billboard, at the time, Eastwood, who was nearing his 88th birthday, shared some wisdom with Keith when asked about his secret to staying youthful and vibrant. Eastwood's response, "I just get up every morning and go out. And I don't let the old man in," struck a chord with Keith, who immediately knew he had to turn those words into a song.

The result was "Don't Let the Old Man In," a song that Eastwood would later feature in his 2018 movie, The Mule, which also starred Bradley Cooper. Keith poured his heart and soul into the song, so much so that he was completely consumed by it, to the point where he tuned out all other conversations. The song's simplicity and dark, ballad-like quality resonated deeply with both Eastwood and Warner Bros., who were amazed at how perfectly it fit into the movie.

Fast forward to today, and Clint Eastwood is on the cusp of turning 94, still embodying the spirit of not "letting the old man in." Toby Keith's legacy lives on not only through songs like this but also through his ability to deftly navigate serious subjects, humor, anthems, and his unwavering patriotism.

In September of 2023, Keith performed "Don't Let The Old Man In" while battling stomach cancer, a deeply emotional moment that underscored the impact of his music. Toby Keith's influence will continue to be felt for generations to come, a testament to his incredible talent and the lasting power of his music.

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