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Iraq Middle East Churches: Embracing Mercy in the Time of War and Lent

Card Louis Raphael Sako and other Patriarchs and Bishops release pastoral letters for Lent, urging fasting, prayer, and reconciliation.

Cardinal Louis Raphael Sako, Patriarch of Baghdad of the Chaldeans, has released a pastoral letter for the Lenten season, which begins today. He warns that the world is increasingly shrouded in darkness due to war, sectarian violence, and selfishness. He emphasizes that the period of fasting and prayer leading up to Easter offers a new horizon and invites us to let the Holy Spirit change us from within.

Cardinal Sako expresses concern about the current situation, describing it as exceptionally complicated and worsening, especially in the region. He attributes this to the neglect of human and religious values, resulting in chaos, imbalance, and instability.

The prelate calls for fasting not only from food but also from sin, emphasizing the need for conversion and repentance. He urges people to confront evil behavior and strive for peace in a world shrouded in darkness.

Bishop Paolo Martinelli, Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia, emphasizes that Lent is a journey of hope, offering God's abundant forgiveness and mercy. He invites the faithful to meditate on the image of the desert, symbolizing the transition from the slavery of sin to the freedom of being children of God.

The bishop encourages people to dedicate more time to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, emphasizing the importance of freeing oneself from vices and idols and showing love for others through charitable acts.

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi also calls for fasting and reconciliation, urging the faithful to extend a hand in physical, spiritual, and moral help through a spirit of repentance and austerity. He stresses the importance of living reconciliation and restoring trust within the community.

Patriarch Rahi addresses the divisions, conflicts, and hatred in Lebanese society, emphasizing the duty of all to end differences, strengthen mutual respect, and restore lost trust between the components of the nation.

The Syriac Catholic Patriarch of Antioch, Ignatius Joseph III Younan, describes Lent as a process of repentance through the Holy Spirit, guiding the Church through the desert of the world. He emphasizes the need to experience shortcomings and weaknesses, leading to repentance and renewal.

In conclusion, the prelates collectively emphasize the importance of the Lenten season as a time for spiritual reflection, repentance, and reconciliation, offering hope and the opportunity for positive change in a world shrouded in darkness.

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