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Rachel Dolezal Nkechi Diallo Fired Teaching Gig OnlyFans Page

Rachel Dolezal, now Nkechi Diallo, fired from school district job after OnlyFans account discovered. Former NAACP leader's identity crisis chronicled.

Nkechi Diallo, also known as Rachel Dolezal, has recently faced consequences for her involvement with an OnlyFans account, resulting in her termination from the Catalina Foothills School District. The news was delivered via email to the Tucson, Arizona school district, as reported by News 4 Tucson. It was revealed that Diallo's social media page contained a link to her OnlyFans account, prompting the district to take action.

Julie Farbarik, the school district's director of alumni and community relations, expressed the district's stance in the email, stating that Diallo's posts on OnlyFans were in violation of the district's policies regarding the use of social media by employees and ethical standards. As a result, Diallo is no longer employed by the Catalina Foothills School District.

According to the Arizona Daily Star, Diallo had been hired for an after-school teaching position in August 2023, with a contract set to continue through May 24. However, her involvement with OnlyFans led to her dismissal from the district.

Diallo, previously known as Rachel Dolezal, first gained attention in 2014 for publicly identifying as a Black woman and serving as the president of the NAACP chapter in Spokane, Washington. Despite being a controversial figure, she has been involved in civil rights activism and has a background in African-American studies, having attended Howard University and worked as a professor at Washington State University. Her complex identity issues were the subject of a 2018 Netflix documentary titled The Rachel Divide.

In a 2017 appearance on The Real, Diallo admitted to being born white but claimed to have identified as a Black woman since 2006. She argued that one's internal sense of identity can be more powerful than their biological background, stating that Blackness can be defined in various ways by different people. Her comments sparked widespread debate and further scrutiny of her identity and actions.

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