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Stephen A. Smith Injury Celebrity All-Star Game Practice Micah Parsons Video

Stephen A Smith is coaching a celebrity NBA All-Star team and was trolled for getting injured by Cowboys star Micah Parsons.

ESPN's Stephen A Smith has been known for his entertaining rivalry with Cowboys fans, providing consistent and humorous content for the past five years. However, Smith has now committed to coaching a celebrity team during the NBA All-Star Weekend, with the pleasure of having Cowboys defensive star Micah Parsons on his team.

Molly Querim, host of First Take, opened the show by trolling Smith, claiming that he was injured by Parsons during practice the previous day. Querim even suggested that Smith was at the hospital receiving X-rays for his injury.

When Smith appeared on the show, he vehemently denied Querim's claims, calling her a pathological liar. He explained that while he was indeed injured at practice, it was not due to Parsons crossing him over on the basketball court, as Querim had suggested.

According to Smith, the injury occurred after practice when he and Parsons were shooting hoops. Smith slipped on some water on the court, causing him to fall and feel as though he was flying. Despite the injury, Smith remained adamant that Parsons had not caused the incident, instead attributing it to the slippery court.

Overall, Smith's commitment to coaching a celebrity team during the NBA All-Star Weekend has brought about some entertaining banter, with his humorous rivalry with Cowboys fans continuing to provide engaging content for ESPN viewers.

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