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Harry Styles fans hysterics singer shows new haircut

Harry Styles debuts a new grown-out hairstyle at a football match, shocking fans and sparking speculation about his new look.

Harry Styles caused a frenzy among his fans when he unveiled a new, longer hairstyle at a football match over the weekend. The 30-year-old singer and actor was spotted sporting a smart new look as he watched Manchester United play Luton Town at Kenilworth Road on Sunday, a departure from his previously bold shaved cut.

Fans of the pop superstar were taken aback by his latest appearance, with many expressing their shock and admiration for his new hairstyle on social media. Some even went as far as calling him 'hot AF'. The unexpected change in his look had fans buzzing and sharing their thoughts on X (formerly Twitter), with many expressing their delight at seeing him with a full head of hair again.

Following the images of Harry's new look, fans took to social media to share their excitement. Some expressed their preference for his current haircut, with one user commenting, 'He needs to keep this haircut'. Another fan noted the subtle change in his appearance, saying, 'That crisp new hair transplant but kept the widows peak so it won't look too obvious'.

The singer's decision to grow out his hair comes after he shocked fans by shaving off his notorious curls in November. Speculation arose that his previous romance with Taylor Swift may have influenced his decision to change his look. However, a source later revealed that Harry was seeking anonymity and wanted to avoid being recognized, which led to his decision to shave his head.

Harry's unexpected hairstyle change didn't go unnoticed by his fans, who were quick to share their thoughts and admiration for his new look. Despite the initial shock, it seems that Harry's fans are excited to see his new hairstyle and are eagerly awaiting his next appearance.

Harry is known for his unexpected style choices and has previously made headlines with his daring fashion statements. Whether it's his hairstyles or his fashion sense, Harry continues to surprise and delight his fans with his ever-evolving looks. It's clear that Harry's fans will always be eager to see what he does next, whether it's with his music, his fashion, or his hairstyles.

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