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Richard Keys Premier League rule change Man City Chelsea

Richard Keys calls on Premier League to ban players from cutting their socks, following La Liga's decision to outlaw the practice.

Former football presenter Richard Keys has urged the Premier League to take a stand and follow the example set by La Liga after observing the recent trend of players cutting holes in their socks to avoid muscle cramping and injury.

This practice has become increasingly common among top-level footballers, with players like Kyle Walker, Jude Bellingham, and Bukayo Saka resorting to cutting holes in their tight-fitting socks to alleviate pressure on their calf muscles during matches.

The tightness of the socks can lead to muscle cramping, especially during running and stretching, prompting players to take matters into their own hands by cutting holes in their socks to relieve the pressure.

However, Richard Keys, who is now a pundit for beIN Sports, has expressed his disapproval of this trend, particularly after witnessing a picture of Conor Gallagher's cut socks during Saturday's game between Manchester City and Chelsea. He took to social media to voice his concerns, stating that it's time for the Premier League to take action and put an end to this practice, just as La Liga has done.

Indeed, La Liga has already banned players from cutting their socks, with former Valencia defender Ezequiel Garay being forced to change his ripped socks by the referee for not adhering to the dress code.

Despite the ban, players like Jude Bellingham and Real Madrid's Brahim Diaz have continued to defy the rule, with Diaz explaining that he was inspired by Bellingham's ability to run for 90 minutes without any issues and decided to follow suit to alleviate pressure on his calves.

Manchester City and England defender Kyle Walker has also provided his own explanation for cutting holes in his socks, attributing it to the tightness of the socks causing pressure on his calves and finding that cutting holes in them led to improved performance on the pitch.

The issue of players cutting holes in their socks has sparked a debate, with Richard Keys calling on the Premier League to take a stance and regulate this practice, similar to what La Liga has done. The trend continues to raise concerns about the potential impact on players' performance and the need for consistent rules across different leagues to maintain the integrity of the game.

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