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Geri Halliwell Christian Horner marriage now in question friends reveal text leaks highly unlikely join F1 boss husband Bahrain Today Headline

Geri Halliwell and Christian Horner's marriage faces uncertainty after leaked texts between Horner and a female colleague surfaced.

Geri Halliwell and Christian Horner's marriage is now facing uncertainty after a leaked text exchange between the F1 boss and a female employee. The couple had been relieved when Red Bull cleared Horner of misconduct allegations, but intimate WhatsApp messages and photos have reignited the scandal. Friends of Halliwell reveal she is devastated by the leaks and may not join Horner at the Bahrain Grand Prix. The messages, sent to key figures in sport, have left Halliwell feeling humiliated and could potentially damage her reputation.

Despite being cleared by Red Bull, Horner's relationship with Halliwell is strained as she grapples with the public fallout. She had stood by him throughout the probe and was elated when the claims were dropped. The leaked messages have shattered her happiness, and she now faces a dilemma about her future with Horner. The scandal has taken a toll on their home life, with Halliwell struggling to cope with the situation.

Horner has denied the allegations and remains focused on the upcoming season. The independent investigation concluded that the grievance against him was dismissed, but the complainant has the right to appeal. Halliwell and Horner's relationship began amidst controversy, with Horner leaving his long-term partner for the Spice Girl. Their engagement and subsequent marriage were met with mixed reactions, with Horner's parents reportedly choosing not to attend the wedding.

The couple's relationship has been under scrutiny since its inception, and the recent scandal has further strained their bond. Halliwell's friends are concerned about her well-being as she navigates the fallout from the leaked messages. Horner's position as team principal has not been affected, but the impact on his personal life remains to be seen. The couple's future hangs in the balance as they grapple with the aftermath of the scandal.

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