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Wordle hint and answer for Tuesday 16th April: 1032

Today's Wordle answer is SHANK. Keep your streak going with clues and etymology. Explore more word games like Spelling Bee and Sudokus.

Happy Tuesday! Whether it's sunny or rainy where you are, take a few minutes to crack today's Wordle answer for April 16th.

For those unfamiliar, Wordle challenges players to guess a five-letter word within six attempts. The fewer guesses, the better - and missing a guess breaks your streak.

Maintaining that streak is crucial, so why risk a last-minute guess when you can gather clues or even the answer itself? This page can assist with that.

Once you have today's word, delve into the world of Wordle and the New York Times' gaming interests in an interview with Jonathan Knight, Head of Games for the NYTimes. We've also explored the joy of The NYTimes Mini Crossword.

Need some hints for today's Wordle answer?

Still stumped? The answer for today is SHANK.

After a Wordle hiatus, my first attempt didn't go as planned. After guessing 'SHARD' on my third try, I missed out on 'SHANK'. There's always tomorrow!

Now that you have the answer, keep it spoiler-free when sharing your results. And hey, why not throw off your friends with a few fake guesses before revealing the real answer?

The etymology of today's word 'SHANK' traces back to Old English and Middle English, both meaning 'Leg'. In the 1770s, 'SHANK' was also used to describe a plant with a decaying stem.

Looking back at this week's Wordle answers:

Explore past Wordle answers in our archive.

What's next after Wordle?

With Wordle conquered, what's next on your gaming agenda?

Explore other word games from the NYTimes like Spelling Bee, Mini Crossword, and Letter Boxed. Or try your hand at Connections, daily Sudokus, and Tiles.

For a twist on the Wordle format, try Squaredle, Dordle, Quorodly, Octordly, and Sedecordle. These games challenge you to find multiple words with each guess counting towards all words. It's a test of strategy and word-solving skills.

If you need a break from spelling, give GeoGuessr a shot. Guess the location based on a picture and enjoy an Old School RuneScape version for a nostalgic twist.

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