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For Ben and Jerry, Simply Tech will go on By Okoh Aihe

Pastor Ben and Jerry Ugwu lost their lives within a week, leaving behind unfulfilled conversations and questions about Nigeria's future.

Where does one even start when trying to articulate the magnitude of losses that defy description? How does one begin to paint a picture of the void left behind when Simply Tech lost two of its brightest minds, Ben Nkonye Irabor and Jerry Ugwu, within the span of a week? These two pillars of intellect and engaging discourse have been a cornerstone of this column for years, enriching our lives with their insights and perspectives.

The sudden departure of these two great sons of the nation, without the chance for a proper farewell, is a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the unpredictability of our existence. Ben, a devoted pastor who returned to Nigeria from the United States to serve in the Lord's vineyard, was a beacon of light in our community. His untimely passing left a void that can never be filled.

Jerry, a respected lawyer and former strategist at the NCC, was a man of great intellect and unwavering principles. His sharp mind and keen insights were a source of inspiration for many. His sudden collapse and subsequent passing left us all in shock and disbelief.

As we grapple with the loss of these two remarkable individuals, we are reminded of the pressing issues that they were passionate about. Ben's concerns about the exorbitant electricity tariffs and the lack of basic services in Abuja, and Jerry's advocacy for accountability and oversight in governance, are just a few examples of the issues that they cared deeply about.

Their absence leaves a void that can never be filled, but their legacy lives on in the conversations they sparked and the ideas they championed. As we mourn their loss, let us also honor their memory by continuing the work they started and striving to build a better future for our nation.

To Ben and Jerry, we say thank you for your contributions, your insights, and your unwavering commitment to making the world a better place. Your legacy will forever be remembered, and your spirit will continue to inspire us to strive for excellence and to never settle for mediocrity.

In the face of such profound loss, we are reminded of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment we have. Let us honor the memory of those who have departed by living our lives to the fullest and by working towards a better future for all. In their memory, let us strive to be the best versions of ourselves and to make a positive impact on the world around us.

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