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Country diary: quiet place nurtures people wildlife

Jubilee Farm blends nature, community, and spirituality in a unique way, promoting organic farming, inclusivity, and environmental stewardship.

As I stand in the midst of nature's symphony, surrounded by the melodic tunes of the dunnock and blackbird, my thoughts drift to the words "Look at the birds of the air" from an old book. The raven's croak snaps me back to reality, its wings gracefully gliding towards Glynn Woods. Nuala gestures towards a distant piece of land, home to a tern colony, while Geoff and Martin meticulously study solitary bees on the dandelion-covered lawn. Matt, the orchestrator of Jubilee Farm's Wildlife and Wellbeing Project, joins us to guide our walk through this sanctuary.

Jubilee Farm, a beacon of the creation care movement, embodies the belief that caring for people and the environment go hand in hand. While rooted in Christian principles, the farm welcomes all who seek to learn and connect with nature. Established in 2019, this community-owned farm not only cultivates organic produce but also serves as a hub for farmers' markets and traditional farming education. Embracing the mission to uplift marginalized communities, Jubilee Farm extends its outreach to refugees and individuals with special needs. Through science-based activities like bioblitzes and artistic endeavors, the farm aims to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for the natural world.

As we bask in the warmth of the sun, Matt's compassionate act of returning an escaped hen to its coop reminds us of the interconnectedness of all living beings. Traversing the ancient "lazy beds" and encountering a friendly ewe, we are reminded of the resilience and beauty of nature. The babbling stream beckons us to seek solace in its tranquility, prompting thoughts of a future bird hide and meditation space. In a world where our actions have dire consequences on the environment, the ancient practice of ornithomancy serves as a reminder of our interconnectedness with nature.

Amidst this reflection, the verse of a tiny seed growing into a towering tree, offering shelter to birds, resonates deeply. It serves as a poignant reminder of the power of growth, resilience, and the potential for positive change. Jubilee Farm stands as a testament to the transformative power of nature, inviting us to nurture and protect the world around us with love and care.

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