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Record 6 bases-loaded walks Chicago Cubs wild 10-9 loss Pittsburgh Pirates

Pirates rookie pitcher Paul Skenes dazzles in debut, Cubs set franchise record for bases-loaded walks in wild 10-9 loss.

On a Saturday afternoon at PNC Park, nearly 35,000 fans were captivated by the major-league debut of Pirates right-hander Paul Skenes, baseball's top pitching prospect. With a repertoire that included a triple-digit fastball, a nasty slider, and a swing-and-miss splitter, Skenes lived up to the hype, striking out seven Cubs batters before being knocked out of the game in the fifth inning.

The game took a wild turn as a 10-9 loss for the Pirates unfolded, featuring a 2 hour, 20-minute rain delay and a record-breaking six bases-loaded walks by the Cubs in one inning. Despite the loss, Cubs infielder Nico Hoerner praised his team's offensive performance and resilience throughout the game.

The turning point came in the fifth inning when the Cubs mounted a comeback, scoring seven runs and taking the lead. The Pirates' bullpen struggled to find the strike zone, walking four consecutive batters with the bases loaded. As rain fell and the game was delayed, the Cubs capitalized on the opportunity, taking the lead on a bases-loaded walk and a timely RBI single.

The Cubs' six bases-loaded walks set a franchise record and provided a unique twist to the game. Manager Craig Counsell acknowledged the unpredictability of baseball, noting that the game always has something new to offer.

The electric atmosphere at PNC Park was fueled by Skenes' impressive performance on the mound. His blazing fastball and poise under pressure drew praise from Cubs outfielder Mike Tauchman, who commended the young pitcher's control and composure in a high-pressure situation.

Despite the Cubs' offensive outburst in the fifth inning, the Pirates fought back, regaining the lead on a three-run homer by Yasmani Grandal and a solo shot by Andrew McCutchen. The Cubs' late rally fell short, as they stranded the tying run at third base in the ninth inning.

Left-hander Justin Steele struggled on the mound, surrendering three home runs on 0-2 pitches and failing to generate swings and misses with his slider. Steele acknowledged his mistakes, noting that he needed to execute his pitches better in crucial situations.

Overall, the game was a rollercoaster of emotions for both teams, with momentum swinging back and forth throughout the nine innings. Despite the outcome, both teams showed resilience and determination, making for an exciting and unpredictable contest that kept fans on the edge of their seats until the final out.

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