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Susan Backlinie, star of iconic Jaws opening scene, dies at 77

'Jaws' actress and stuntwoman Susan Backlinie, known for iconic opening scene, passes away at home in California. Co-stars pay tribute.

The entertainment industry mourns the loss of a beloved actress and stuntwoman who made a lasting impact with her iconic role in the 1975 thriller. Susan, known for her role as Chrissie Watkins in the Steven Spielberg-directed epic, tragically passed away at her California home. Her agent, Matthew Templeton, confirmed the news with a heavy heart, expressing gratitude for the outpouring of condolences and requesting privacy for the family during this difficult time.

Susan's unforgettable performance as the young woman who meets a gruesome fate during a late-night ocean swim left a lasting impression on audiences. A nationally-ranked swimmer, she dedicated three days to filming the harrowing scene where her character is devoured by a shark. Her dedication to the role and fearless commitment to the demanding stunts earned her respect and admiration from her co-stars and the 'Jaws' community.

Jeffrey Kramer, who worked alongside Susan in the film, fondly remembered her as a kind and loving soul, emphasizing her special place in their hearts. Despite her brief appearance in 'Jaws', Susan's talent and presence continued to shine through in subsequent projects like 'The Grizzly and the Treasure' and '1941'. After retiring from the spotlight, she remained connected to fans through appearances at conventions dedicated to the cult classic.

Steven Spielberg, reflecting on the casting process for 'Jaws', highlighted Susan's unique blend of athleticism and skill that made her the perfect choice for the role. Recognizing the physical demands of the character, he sought out a trained stuntwoman who could handle the intense underwater sequences with grace and professionalism. Susan's performance left an indelible mark on the film and solidified her status as a respected figure in the industry.

As the entertainment world mourns the loss of a talented and dedicated artist, Susan's legacy lives on through her memorable contributions to cinema. Her passion for storytelling and commitment to her craft will be cherished by fans and colleagues alike, ensuring that her spirit endures in the hearts of those who knew and admired her.

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