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David Copperfield denies sexual misconduct allegations from 16 women

Illusionist David Copperfield's lawyers deny sexual misconduct allegations made by 16 women, calling them false and implausible. #DavidCopperfield #MeToo

Attorneys representing renowned magician David Copperfield have vehemently denied the allegations put forth by 16 women in a recent report, accusing him of sexual misconduct and inappropriate behavior spanning decades. These allegations, detailed in a Guardian U.S. investigation, include claims from women who were teenagers at the time of the alleged incidents, ranging from the late 1980s to 2014. Some of the women asserted that Copperfield drugged them before engaging in sexual activities, leaving them unable to consent. Additionally, four women claimed they were groped or subjected to inappropriate touching during live performances on stage.

Copperfield's legal team refuted these accusations, labeling them as "completely false" and "entirely implausible." They emphasized that the 67-year-old magician has always championed the #MeToo movement and has never engaged in any inappropriate behavior, especially with minors. Describing Copperfield as a kind and respectful individual, his lawyers highlighted his track record of treating both men and women with dignity.

Despite facing persistent allegations over the years, Copperfield's attorneys dismissed them as "numerous false claims" against their client. In response to the recent Guardian report, a spokesperson for Copperfield denounced the allegations as recycled falsehoods from the past. They emphasized that the accusations lacked evidence and had been thoroughly investigated by U.S. law enforcement, leading to no actionable findings.

The statement from Copperfield's representative reiterated his commitment to supporting victims of abuse and discrimination, while also calling for an end to false accusations in order for the #MeToo movement to thrive. The magician intends to consult with his legal team to address these baseless allegations effectively.

Furthermore, Copperfield's name was mentioned in recently unsealed court documents linked to Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced financier accused of running a sex trafficking operation involving underage girls. Despite these associations, Copperfield's team maintains his innocence and unwavering support for those affected by abuse and discrimination.

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