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Rudy Giuliani served legal papers on his birthday

America's bankrupt "mayor" Giuliani taunted Arizona authorities on social media, but was served with a summons to face felony charges.

After weeks of dodging authorities and making a mockery of his legal troubles, the self-proclaimed "mayor" of America found himself facing a summons to appear in Arizona for felony charges of fraud, forgery, and conspiracy. Rudy Giuliani, who had been celebrating his early 80th birthday in Palm Beach, Florida, was taunting Attorney General Kris Mayes on social media just before receiving the news.

Despite his bravado, Giuliani was served with the summons, marking a turning point in his legal battle. Mayes made it clear that nobody is above the law, especially someone at the center of a plot to overturn Arizona's vote in the 2020 election.

Giuliani's involvement in pressuring state officials to replace Biden electors with Trump electors was well-documented, with attempts to disenfranchise Arizona voters falling flat thanks to Speaker Rusty Bowers' insistence on evidence. Giuliani's claims of widespread fraud and illegal voting were debunked, leading to his indictment along with 17 others.

The evidence presented by Mayes was enough to convince a state grand jury, leading to the charges against Giuliani and his co-conspirators. Despite his attempts to evade accountability, Giuliani was served with a summons to return to Arizona and face the consequences of his actions. The legal battle ahead promises to be a challenging one for the former mayor, who now finds himself on the wrong side of the law.

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