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Easy Fix Oilers Power Play Key Game 7 Hockey Writers Edmonton Oilers Latest News Analysis More

Oilers' power play key to Game 7 success. McDavid must shoot more. Canucks penalty trouble gives Edmonton opportunities to score.

The Edmonton Oilers have been showcasing the NHL's best power play in the playoffs, boasting a 36.8% success rate. Despite facing challenges in their series against the Vancouver Canucks, where they went 5-for-18 and 0-for-8 in the last two games, the Oilers are heading towards a crucial Game 7 matchup. The outcome of this game could determine whether they advance to face the Dallas Stars or see an end to their season.

While the Oilers have proven they can dominate at 5-v-5 play, securing goals on their power play opportunities could be the key to a smoother path to victory. The Canucks have applied pressure and limited space for Edmonton's top players, causing some struggles for the league's most potent power play unit. However, in Game 6, the Oilers showed signs of improvement and created scoring chances, indicating a potential turnaround.

One of the main issues for the Oilers has been overthinking and failing to capitalize on simple plays. Star player Connor McDavid's reluctance to shoot has hindered their power play effectiveness. By simplifying their approach and sticking to what has worked in the past, the Oilers can potentially unlock their power play potential in Game 7.

Despite recent struggles, the Oilers' power play is too potent to remain silent for long. With the Canucks taking numerous penalties in the series, Edmonton must capitalize on their man-advantage opportunities in the upcoming game. By executing their plays effectively and taking advantage of their offensive threats, such as Leon Draisaitl and Zach Hyman, the Oilers can gain an edge over their opponents.

While the Oilers' penalty kill has been solid, they must remain vigilant against a skilled Canucks offense. Edmonton needs to strike first and maintain their lead, rather than playing catch-up. By staying disciplined, drawing penalties, and converting on their power play chances, the Oilers can secure a victory and advance in the playoffs.

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