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Joe Biden Commencement Speech Morehouse College: What was said?

President Joe Biden urges Morehouse graduates to fight for freedom and democracy, faces criticism over Israel policy and touts administration's accomplishments.

President Joe Biden delivered a powerful message to over 400 graduates of Morehouse College, urging them to stand up for freedom and democracy in the face of division threatening the nation. Addressing the Class of 2024 at the historically Black college in Atlanta, Biden emphasized the importance of their future leadership roles and the challenges they will inevitably face. He acknowledged the tough moments ahead but expressed confidence in their ability to make a difference.

During his 27-minute keynote address, Biden touched on the recent student protests regarding his handling of the conflict in Gaza, emphasizing his support for peaceful non-violent protest and the importance of hearing the voices of the younger generation. He defended his administration's policies towards the Middle East, calling for a ceasefire and advocating for a two-state solution.

Biden commended the Morehouse graduates for persevering through the challenges brought about by the pandemic, recognizing the losses they have endured and the sacrifices they have made. He highlighted the impact of the murder of George Floyd on democracy in America, emphasizing the need to address systemic issues such as racism and white supremacy.

Looking ahead to his upcoming rematch with former President Donald Trump, Biden outlined his administration's achievements in improving the lives of Black Americans, including reducing child poverty, investing in HBCUs, and addressing issues such as lead contamination and prescription drug prices. He criticized Republicans for their attacks on diversity, equity, and inclusion, and their attempts to erase Black history from the national narrative.

Despite some criticism from Republicans, Biden's message at Morehouse College resonated with the majority of the graduates, who listened attentively to his words of encouragement and inspiration. The ceremony concluded with Biden receiving an honorary doctorate from Morehouse President David Thomas, solidifying his connection to the institution and its mission of empowering future leaders.

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