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Jim Otto, Mr. Raider Pro Football Hall Famer dies 86

Hall of Fame center Jim Otto, known as "Mr. Raider" for his durability, has died at 86. His legacy lives on.

The football world is mourning the loss of a true legend, Jim Otto, known as "Mr. Raider" for his unwavering dedication and resilience despite facing numerous injuries throughout his career. The Las Vegas Raiders confirmed the passing of the Hall of Fame center at the age of 86.

Jim Otto, also known as "The Original Raider," was a symbol of consistency and leadership, leaving an indelible mark on the American Football League and professional football as a whole. His influence was pivotal in shaping the dominant Raider teams of the 1960s and 70s, embodying the spirit of toughness and tenacity.

Despite undergoing nine knee operations and facing countless health challenges, including having his right leg amputated in 2007, Otto never missed a game due to injuries, competing in an impressive 210 consecutive regular-season games and 308 total contests. His resilience and warrior mentality earned him respect and admiration from teammates, opponents, and fans alike.

Throughout his illustrious career, Otto played a key role in establishing the Raiders as one of the premier organizations in professional football. His dedication to excellence and unwavering commitment to being the best center on the field every day set a standard for greatness that inspired those around him.

Off the field, Jim Otto's impact extended beyond the game, as he continued to serve the Raiders in various capacities, organizing events for former players and fans, and playing a pivotal role in the team's relocation negotiations. His legacy will forever be remembered and cherished by the football community.

Jim Otto's passing leaves a void in the hearts of many, but his spirit and legacy will continue to inspire generations of football players and fans. He is survived by his loving family, including his wife Sally, son Jim Jr., daughter-in-law Leah, and 14 grandchildren, who will carry on his legacy of strength, resilience, and unwavering dedication to the game he loved.

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