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Wynonna Judd Reacts American Idol Performance Emmy Russell

Judd praises Loretta Lynn's granddaughter, performs on American Idol finale. Offers advice to contestants, shares touching memories of Lynn.

On the red carpet of the American Idol finale, Judd, 59, expressed her admiration for Loretta Lynn, stating, "I did and I love Loretta." She shared a touching moment where Lynn gave her the shirt off her back and was the first woman in country music to hug her. Judd felt privileged to sing "No One Else on Earth" with Lynn's granddaughter, Russell, during the show, describing it as a moving experience.

Reflecting on Lynn's legacy, Judd praised Russell for carrying on her family's musical heritage. She emphasized the importance of passing down wisdom and experience to young artists in the industry, advising them to save their earnings for the future. Judd saw her appearance on American Idol as a way to give back and support the next generation of talent.

The performance with Russell held special significance for Judd, as it marked a full-circle moment in her relationship with Lynn's family. Less than two years ago, Judd honored Lynn at a memorial service by singing "How Great Thou Art." She also penned a heartfelt tribute to Lynn after her passing, recognizing her influence on her own musical journey.

Russell's audition on American Idol, where she revealed her connection to Lynn, left judges Katy Perry, Luke Bryan, and Lionel Richie stunned. Her original song "Skinny" shed light on her battle with an eating disorder and showcased her songwriting talent. The judges praised her unique style and encouraged her to embrace her own path in the industry, separate from her famous grandmother's legacy.

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